Monday, July 15, 2013

Well it's been a year...

Helllllo out there!

So it's been more or a less a year since I last posted. I completely forget about this blog as life got hectic. In all fairness, I never really put much into this. However,  I think it's time I changed that. See, I live in a city where I do not know anyone. I moved here when my significant other got a job and long story short, I travel with my job so I just haven't really made many friends. Plus, the people I work with tend to be quite a bit older than me. Any-who, this blog and Youtube tend to be my outlet, my "girl time" so to speak. I come on here and just write about the things I like, don't like, anything that's going on in my life, etc... the kinds of things I talk about to my girlfriends, mom, etc. Basically this blog is going to turn into a mixture of everything, fashion, beauty, advice... yada yada.... So without rambling anymore, welcome to the blog and my goal is to post at least twice a week! I hope you guys find this somewhat helpful and if not, at the very least it's an outlet for me, my favorite hobbies will come to life on here!



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